A Woman of Courage by Tania Blanchard



A gripping historical novel that was inspired by actual events. Set in Northern England in 1890, this is the story of a young woman named Hannah Todd. Hannah dreams of a future where women have the right to vote and is very passionate about the cause.

Hannah has recently qualified as a school teacher and joins her parents in a small English village. The suffrage movement is the cause which inspires her most and she works tirelessly to help the local women and children. As she campaigns for the vote for women, she faces unexpected battles and uncovers dangerous secrets in the community.

My Thoughts

As a lover of historical fiction, especially when it’s based on fact, I loved this book. Hannah is a strong woman with very strong morals who has many battles to fight. Just living in the village becomes a battle for her. I’ve read many non fiction books about the suffragettes, and this book brought back everything that I have previously read, but brought to life through the strong female characters in this novel. The author has woven history, romance and female strength into this captivating story of actual events in history.

Another very important thing that appeals to me about this book, is that I love this cover.

Hannah Todd dreams of a future where women have the right to vote. Fresh from her teaching studies in Durham, the university city, she joins her parents in a rural village, brimming with newly found passion and the groundswell towards women’s suffrage unfolding in London. Working tirelessly to help women and children in the county, Hannah is determined to make the fight for the vote her life’s work, adding her voice to the rising chorus across the nation and hopes of a new world and a new way of thinking. But soon she must fight a new, unexpected battle – that of the yearning of her own heart – and discovers that when power is threatened, darkness, brutality, and dangerous, closely guarded secrets are never too far from the surface. How far can she go to fight for what’s right“.

Star Rating 

Please note that my star rating system isn’t at all based on literary merit, but is based on my enjoyment for the book.
For me a book that gets five stars, is a book that I really enjoyed, and found difficult to put down.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Unputdownable. Would read it again.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fantastic read. Not to be missed

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Enjoyable. Would recommend it.

⭐️⭐️ Wouldn’t read it again.

⭐️ Don’t recommend this book at all.

The book mentioned in this post is of my own choice and has not been sent to me to review. My opinions are my own and I receive no renumeration at all for them.

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